Homepage > Infrastructure >  Goal 4: Facilitate an efficient, multimodal transportation network > Percent of neighbors that use public transportation to commute >


Percent of neighbors that use public transportation to commute

Status Indicators:
Proceeding as Planned
 Monitoring Progress
Reviewing for Improvement
Information Unavailable

Status Indicators: Proceeding as Planned |  Monitoring Progress | Reviewing for Improvement | Information Unavailable

Individuals, communities, and the local economy benefit from public transportation systems through a decreased environmental impact, an increased fuel efficiency, and reduced traffic congestion. However, in the past two years, a large part of U.S. cities have reported a steady decline in their public transportation ridership rates due to, among other things, lower fuel costs, shifts in demographics, and the rise of convenient alternatives such as rideshare. 

Data is collected from the American Community Survey (ACS) 1-Year Estimates – Data table: B08006: Sex of Workers by Means of Transportation to Work. For further information about the American Community Survey (ACS) please see the Source tab. 

Due to the impact of COVID-19, the Census Bureau changed the 2020 American Survey System (ACS) release schedule to only release a limited number of data tables containing experimental estimates for the nation, states, and the District of Columbia.

There are many external contributing factors affecting the projection to confidently determine an exact numerical target, therefore staff has elected to set the target to increase

In 2022 the percentage of workers over the age of sixteen within the Fort Lauderdale City limits opting to take public transportation remained flat at 3 percent. This figure mirrors the national average with more than 70 percent of workers choosing to drive to work. 

The data for this indicator is obtained from the American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates.  The American Community Survey (ACS) is administered by the United States Census Bureau. It is an ongoing survey that provides data annually. This information is used by communities, state governments, and federal programs to make decisions. The 1-Year Estimate data provides 12 months of collected data from areas with populations over 65,000 and represents the most current data available.

There is an approximately one-year delay of the availability of ACS data; as such, data reported is for the prior year (for example, 2023 reported results represent 2022 ACS data).

City of Fort Lauderdale
100 North Andrews Avenue | Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

Office of Management and Budget
Division of Structural Innovation
Contact: [email protected]

City of Fort Lauderdale
100 North Andrews Avenue | Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

Office of Management and Budget
Division of Structural Innovation
Contact: [email protected]