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Employee turnover rate

Status Indicators:
Proceeding as Planned
 Monitoring Progress
Reviewing for Improvement
Information Unavailable

Status Indicators: Proceeding as Planned |  Monitoring Progress | Reviewing for Improvement | Information Unavailable

Employee turnover is indicative of the well-being of an organization, such as employee engagement, organizational culture, employment practices, management efficiency, effectiveness of training and employee satisfaction.  Measuring and comparing the employee turnover rates to other cities/municipalities provides an indication of any workplace improvements that should be made or addressed. 

Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the separation rate (turnover) for state and local government, (excluding education) was 19.7% in 2018 and 19.5% in 2019.

The data counts the number of full-time employees that separated from the City (both voluntarily and involuntarily) compared to the number of full-time employees in the City during the same time period.

The target was established based on an anticipated decrease in turnover as employee focused initiatives, such as increased development, increased training opportunities, and employee engagement initiatives are implemented over the next five years.


The City’s personnel database. 

City of Fort Lauderdale
101 North East 3rd Avenue | Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301


Office of Management and Budget
Division of Strategy and Innovation
Contact: [email protected]



City of Fort Lauderdale
100 North Andrews Avenue | Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

Office of Management and Budget
Division of Structural Innovation
Contact: [email protected]